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Birthday Week Celebrations!

Birthday Girl!

What a great week full of birthday celebrations, expected and unexpected celebrations!

At our holiday team lunch at Locanda Verde, my very sweet boss celebrated my birthday early with yummy chocolate cake and a birthday candle for dessert!

I was shocked!

At work the following week, my team surprised me with a birthday party in the office - they really got me! My colleague Joe and I were going to get coffee to catch up on some topics, but he had forgot his phone in one of the rooms. There were some of our teammates in the room, so I did not want to go and interrupt their meeting, eventually he got me to go in and it turns out it was for me! They really had me surprised - well played team!

Lunch at Tim Ho Wan

As for the actual day - I started off the day with lunch at Tim Ho Wan with my friend Michelle, it was nice to catch up and celebrate with some yummy dim sum! Michelle was one of the first people and friends I made on the Kabbage team!

I was taking it easy and decided to pamper myself and got my nails done at local nail salon a few blocks over. I decided to do glittery pink nails for the occasion! When I went to pay they gave me a holiday gift card for $10 off my next visit, what a nice surprise!

I also arrived home to find the rose quartz I ordered, hoping it brings me some love this year!

Every year I stress over what to do for my birthday and end up planning something last minute. Surprise, surprise, this year was no different.

This year I planned a at Salinas in Chelsea with a few friends. The food at Salinas was delicious (mmm steak!) and the cheesecake at the end was a perfect way to end the meal!

For those of you who know me, you MUST have some form of cake or something for your birthday!

Afterward we headed to Jungle Bird, where a few more friends met up with us for drinks, including some from holiday cocktails!

I feel truly loved and grateful for all the amazing people in my life and can’t wait to see what this year will bring.

Thanks for everyone who came out to celebrate with me!